A sample of the projects I did over the last couple of years.
For real, fun & learning 💡
Decided to share my writings on Medium from 2022 onwards. Grasp this invitation to explore with both hands, you might enjoy!
Google Scholar is so kind to list the research papers from during my PhD. Maybe someday another one?
Small and larger (data) applications I created. Much of the source code is in the associated GitHub repositories.
Against back pain
A place on the web that gathers exercises, food, and habits you can rely on to deal with back pain. You can even subscribe to a kind mailing list to receive preselected suggestions with what you can focus on for the day/week/month.
Fairplay Sports
An umbrella of websites as part of the Fairplay Sports organization. The goal? Providing team sport competitions among friends in a cheap, easy, and fun way! Using tools such as TypeScript, Django, Next.js, Tailwind, Render, and Vercel.
League scheduler
An implementation of constrained time-relaxed double round-robin (2RR) sports league scheduling using a tabu search based heuristic algorithm. A mouthful just to say a tool to do automatic scheduling of sports calendars.
Pick me quick
A silly and simple random names or teams generator. Primarily an evening JavaScript practice, but also useful because wysiwyg and totally ad-free.
Lyrical Arctic Monkeys
A scrollytelling web page that takes you on a journey through all released Arctic Monkeys albums. From song section importance to lyrical variation and lexical dispersion. Developed with the JavaScript library D3.js.
Futsal Friend
A handy application that acts as your digital futsal companion to help find a friendly opponent, look for a team to join, analyze vanity metrics, and receive tactical advice from a coachbot.
Cycling similarity
A Streamlit application that exposes an algorithm to detect the most similar cyclists given a selected rider, based on the race results over the past seasons. Partly built on a tiny AWS cloud infrastructure.
Fluks jobscan
An R Shiny application to scan your job happiness. This is the password-protected development version. To see the wholesome beauty and utility of it, reach out to me so I can bring you in touch with Madame Fluks.
Pet image screener
What breed is your pet? A simple tool that allows to detect the breed of your pet (actually, just cats or dogs), based on a single picture. Uses a computer vision AI model under the hood.
Cycling similarity v0
A more clunky predecessor of the cyclingsimilarity.com Streamlit application, with comparable functionality but using different data and Dash as framework. Deployed with Azure App Service.
The sentometrics R package (v1.0.0) offers a framework for textual sentiment time series analysis. It integrates the quantification of sentiment from texts, the aggregation into time series, and their usage for prediction.
Cobra is a Python library to build classification and regression models focused on performance and interpretation. I helped maintaining the package while at Python Predictions and being used in many actual client projects.
With this R Shiny application created during my PhD days you can compute both textual sentiment and aggregated time series. Enjoy fooling around with the various parameters!